Book Review | insecurity is my middle name

Um, I know I've been away for quite a while, but, hi, I guess?
We have one day left to 2022 so I hope y'all are doing the best that could ever be and let's end 2021 with the biggest and warmest smile, vice versa to greet 2022. Let's rock 2022!!

Alright, I'd like to close 2021 with this blog :D I really really hope today's blog will carve a smile on your face and bring serenity to your life.

insecurity; is my middle name

by: Dewi Kirana Khairunnisa XII MIPA 3

Insecurity; is my middle name is a self-improvement book that succeeds to hop on in the top 10 books in Indonesia's biggest book store. This beautiful book was written by a wonderful writer named Alvi Syahrin. At the back of the book was stated that there are 45 chapters that can help you to deal with your insecurity. 

Here's a little synopsis from the back of this book.

I met this book recently when I visit a book store after a really long time because- I mean- you know how pandemic restricts us to go out of the house. My eyes were locked at the top books shelves and there are two books that caught my attention. Yup, insecurity; is my middle name is one of them and I decided to purchase this book because the title is simply attractive. The synopsis behind it also succeed to make me curious and passionately purchase this book so I can read it ASAP. Another point plus for this book is it has a good cover that catches everyone's attention. I promise any eyes will also feel attracted and command themselves to at least touch that book.

This 264-page book talks about insecurity from the writer's point of view, also how to deal with it. In this book, the writer was answering some questions that frequently pop out in people who have insecurity's mind. We all know that insecurity is something that can kill us slowly, so Alvi Syahrin as the writer came to save the day. He stringing each word elegantly which can make you fall in love right away with the book. Well, just for your information, I fell in love with this book even when I just read the first sentence.

Trust me, this book is read-worthy because there are tons of things that you can take from this beautifully written book. You. Will. Not. Regret. It. 

I'm not sure if y'all can understand this or not, but this book kind of makes you feel hugged. I mean- you know how it feels when your loved ones give you advice and life lesson? Yup, this book makes you feel the same way. It feels like you've been gently advised while the one who talks to you rubbing your hand calmly. As I told you before, Alvi Syahrin, the writer, is pretty witty with his word choice. The flow of his writing was as smooth as butter and you will understand once you read it.

I just can't stop saying "WAAHH" when I read it because every sentence never fails makes me go speechless. Well, honestly, I'm still at my speechless phase at the moment that I don't even know what am I writing right now T_T (I'm so sorry for the messy writing but I hope you guys understand hehe)

I would give this book a straight 10 out of 10, or even 11 if it's possible HAHAHA. No word can describe how beautifully written this book is. Everyone! take a note! It's a must-read book! You have to read this book at least once in a lifetime. I bet you will thank me later :D

Here's my favorite quote from this book:

"You don't have to win everything in life, but you have to try."

Okay, I guess I will end it here HEHEHE. I hope it helps you find something you're looking for :D If you have anything to ask about this book just let me know in the comment section below, alright?

It's a shame but we have to say goodbye right now :(
Thank you for reading this end-of-year blog and Happy New Year!!
I hope you will have the brightest moment in your life once 2022 started and let's walk on the flower path from now on!
Goodbye and see you on the upcoming blog in 2022 yahoo >.<


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