My Last Holiday

My Fun-Basic Holiday

Hello friends! It's been a long time since I wrote in this blog. Lately, I was so busy preparing myself for an exam and after the exam was over I've spent my holiday in Java with my family.

Our main destination is Jogja, as always. But usually on holiday, before my family and I went to Jogja we visited my grandma's house in Gombong, or maybe some of you know it as Kebumen. We went there on the 24th of December by car. And, thankfully we didn't get a traffic jam. In Gombong, we didn't go to any tourist attraction because the weather wasn't that good because it's too hot outside. So, we decided to stay at home while watching a movie together in the family room while turning on the air conditioner because we couldn't stand the hot temperature. My family and I spent around 2 days there and then we were preparing ourselves to go to Jogja. Almost forgot, before my family and I go to Jogja, we took the time to mourn my grandpa's grave and go back to my grandma's house to say goodbye. After saying goodbye to my grandma, my family and I immediately got inside the car and went to Jogja.

When we arrived at our house in Jogja, we're not going anywhere because we were feeling tired and just chilling in the house. When night comes, my family and I decided to eat Nasi Goreng and Bakmi Jawa. But, we are too lazy to go out so my uncle who was there with us decided to go out on his own and bought the nasi goreng and bakmi for us. My family and I watching TV while waiting for my uncle comes with the food. Shortly after, my uncle came and we had our dinner in the dining room together and talking about anything there, what a good family time!

The next day, my vacation time officially began. My mom who set the schedule for our holiday said we would go to Taman Sari. Actually, we had been there around 3 years ago but not with my dad because he was so busy so my mom wants to go there again with my dad seeing that Taman Sari is a beautiful place to go. When we arrived there, with the memory that stays still in our mind we went inside Taman Sari but not from the main gate because we wanted to explore a bit of the area near Taman Sari. But unfortunately, our memory is not intact in remembering the way to the main gate, and the result we are kind of lost. My dad immediately analyzes the place and amazingly found the way to the main gate. At that time, I was shocked and immediately think my dad is a shaman lol (of course he's not) When we finally reached the main gate, my sister going into the line to buy the tickets. After we got the tickets we were taking some photos and got into Taman Sari. When we just step 5 steps from the main gate, we met a tour guide and we decided to go around Taman Sari with the tour guide. While we go around, the tour guide told us the history of that place and also explaining what is this place. Also, he took the picture of us in the place he recommends. After a long way, we went home and stay in the main room while turning on the AC because Jogja is so hot. Before moving on to tell you the next day, I would like to show you some pictures we took in Taman Sari.

On the second day in Jogja, my family and I went swimming in the Jayakarta Hotel which has a beautiful view. My family and I really enjoyed our time there but, when the sun starts blistering we stopped to swim and immediately took a shower and went home. Shortly after, we prepared ourselves to came to my uncle's graduation celebration. The celebration held in Puri Mataram so we can play some rides there and of course took aesthetic photos. After the celebration is done, my family and I go to a mall. We just chilled there, had dinner, visited a book store, and also visited a beauty product store. We decided to go back home when we started feeling bored. That day was a normal-fun day so, let me show you some pictures I took on that day.

On the next day, my family and I went to Malioboro early in the morning. We visited hamzah batik which is an attractive place to go. As always, my family and I took some pictures on the attractive side of the store, we also bought some souvenirs there. I almost forgot, I also bought their own chocolate product and my sister bought a jamu there. When we go out of the store, the sun already showed up. But, my dad told us that he wants to go inside the Beringharjo Market. When we finally inside the Beringharjo Market, we started feeling dizzy because it was too crowded and hot, even we felt that we couldn't breathe so we immediately go out and go home. After a couple times, my family and I set ourselves to visited some house of my mother's family. The first destination is we went to the big sister of my grandma's house, we just chit-chatting there and immediately go to the next destination. So, the next destination is my grandma's big brother's house. Besides chatting with the family of my grandma's big brother, we had lunch there. Shortly after, we decided to move to the next destination before it started raining so, we said goodbye to each other, and then my family and I visited my grandma's brother and sister's house. At first, we just chatted there and played with my grandma's sister's cat. The cat's name is Pesek because she had a peak nose. She is so cute and grumpy at the same time but too aggressive and that's the reason why I got clawed, but that's okay because she is so adorable! Oh, let me show you the picture of Pesek.
Shortly after, my mother's cousin asked us to follow them to went to Tempo Gelato which is the most famous gelato store in Jogjakarta. So we agreed and immediately go there. When we arrived, we were kind of surprised because there was a long line around the cashier. My aunt immediately joined the line and order the gelato. I pick salted caramel and oreo flavor and it was extremely delicious! And you guys have to know that the place is extremely aesthetic and I was obsessed with it. We keep chatting while eating the whole gelato and I couldn't be more satisfied with any ice cream in the world because Tempo Gelato has the best gelato! Please promise me if you guys will visit Tempo Gelato to try their gelato some times. After we finished eating the gelato, we immediately get out of that place and saying goodbye to each other because it is already late. Here are some photos I took that day.

On December 30th, my family and I decided to went to Parangtritis Beach for a thousand times. But, before we're headed there, we would like to try a culinary food around Kotabaru called Mie Ayam Tunggal Rasa. So, this "restaurant" sells Mie Ayam that have a green color, and their pangsit was shaped like a bowl and it has a big portion and great taste! After finished our bowl of  Mie Ayam, we immediately go back to our car and headed to Parangtritis Beach. When we have arrived, we felt extremely blessed because it didn't rain and it didn't hot also so we were really enjoyed our time there. My brother and my father immediately jump to the beach and made themselves wet, I think they are in love with the beach. Otherwise, my mother, my sister, and I just played on the beachside and took some photos because we didn't want our clothes to get wet. When the sky getting darker and the waves getting bigger, my family and I decided to leave the beach. And we decided to go to a restaurant called Secret Garden Coffee and Chocolate, the place is nice and aesthetic but when we went there it was raining so it didn't really show their aesthetic vibes but my parents still took some pictures there when the rain subsides, I think it will be perfect if we go there in the afternoon and didn't rain. But their food was not really special and I couldn't say that the food is delicious, but you can visit that place for aesthetic purposes. After finished having dinner, my family and I went to a mall and we just went around the mall for a moment and go back home because we felt really tired. Because my family and I took some pictures, I would love to share some photos we got on that day. 

On the last day of 2019, my family and I actually planned to visit Museum Ullen Sentalu but we canceled our plan and decided to visit another store of Tempo Gelato and we ate gelato again but of course with a different flavor. Again, after we finished our cone of ice cream we go back to our car and headed to a mall in Jogjakarta which has a European style of building in Jogjakarta called Jogja City Mall. We went around the mall and immediately get bored because we were not really interested in inside the mall so we decided to have lunch in the food court and bought a boba milk tea. Before we go back home, we shopped a little bit for the new year's celebration. We were waiting for the new year while watched a movie because we were lazy to go out. But, when it was 15 minutes before the celebration, my brother woke up and asked to go out so we could see some fireworks. So, we immediately went inside the car to reach MONJALI but before we arrived it already hit 2020 so we were just watching the fireworks on the side of the road. After the fireworks celebration over, we finally went back home and sleep. Here are some photos we took on the last day of 2020.

The next morning, my family and I go back to Bandung and that's how my holiday ended. Actually, I have a week of the holiday more that I spent in Bandung but it was not really fun to share with you guys because we just stayed at home and enjoyed our spare time but sometimes we went to a mall or just me who went outside with my friend.

So, this is the end of my story about my fun-basic holiday. Hope you guys enjoyed reading my story :) See you in the next post!


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